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WISAR – Economy Oriented Lifelong Learning Strategies In The Region

Duration: 01-03-2010 – 28-02-2011 (12 months)
  • ITEE-PIB – Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute, Poland
  • Schulungszentrum Fonhsdorf, Austria
  • Vzdelávací inštitút COOP, Poland
  • School Center of Ptuj, Slovenia
Authority: European Commission
Program: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Project Description

By definition, the national strategies of lifelong learning cannot give adequate consideration to the requirements and specific circumstances of individual European regions. The WISAR Project developed regional economy-oriented strategies for lifelong learning on a cooperative basis and a specific regional approach to this problem and the challenges it constitutes for the systems of lifelong learning.

These strategies were implemented by using an adjustment methodology to match offer and demand on the levels of competences and educational contents. As a network of regions with regional LLL strategies, further cooperation between the project partners and regions guaranteed the sustainable exploitation and/or further development of the project results.