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The HABITABLE project, led by a collaborative network of Centers of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) with partners from Spain, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Georgia, and Moldova, has officially launched its ambitious mission to transform the habitat sector skills landscape in Europe. With the support of local and regional partners, as well as the European Training Foundation (ETF), the project aims to pave the way for a more sustainable and innovative future.

The HABITABLE project is driven by a vision to lead the green and digital transition of the Habitat sector skills ecosystems in Europe. It seeks to achieve this vision through a multi-faceted approach, including:

  • Transnational Collaboration: Establishing a transnational cooperation platform of CoVEs for Sustainable Habitat to foster innovation and excellence in vocational training.
  • Skills Strategy for Sustainable Habitat: Co-creating a Skills Strategy for the Habitat sector aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Skills Intelligence Monitoring System: Implementing a Skills Intelligence monitoring system to align training with the needs of the labor market and support career guidance.
  • Quality Dual VET and WBL: Boosting quality, digital, green, and inclusive Dual Vocational Education and Training (VET), Work-Based Learning (WBL), and apprenticeships.
  • Business-Education Partnerships: Supporting the creation of sustainable partnerships between businesses and education institutions.
  • Green and Digital Transitions: Providing labor market-relevant skills, including those necessary for the green and digital transitions.
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: Designing and applying innovative learner-centered teaching methods supported by digital tools and Extended Reality technologies.
  • Access to Innovative Curricula: Offering access to innovative curricula that focus on both technical skills and key competences.
  • Upskilling and Reskilling: Supporting the upskilling and reskilling of adult learners and SME employees to adapt to the green and digital transition.
  • Micro-credential Certification: Implementing a new system for the certification of Micro-credentials in the Habitat sector.
  • Career Guidance and Inclusion: Supporting career guidance and promoting social inclusion, equality, gender equality, and non-discrimination.
  • Transnational Mobility: Fostering transnational mobility for VET educators and learners.
  • Policy Recommendations: Providing policy recommendations for the implementation of regional and local strategies to raise upward convergence of CoVEs.
  • Maximizing Impact: Maximizing the impact of the project, the further use of its products, and the mainstreaming of its results.

The HABITABLE project’s kickoff meeting and launching event took place on October 9th and 10th, structured to immerse the audience in the HABITABLE experience. Participants engaged with project information interactively, fostering a deep understanding of its objectives and outcomes.

The event also provided an opportunity for participants to communicate and network over a light lunch, enhancing collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders. Overall, it was a remarkable experience for both participants and organizers, setting the tone for a successful journey towards transforming the Habitat sector skills landscape in Europe.

For more information about the HABITABLE project and its initiatives, please contact