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European Outplacement Framework – Vocational Support for People with Difficulty on Employment Access

Duration: 01-10-2009 – 30-09-2011 (24 months)
  • ITEE-PIB – Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute, Poland
  • Schulungszentrum Fonhsdorf, Austria
  • Randers Bo- og Erhvervstræning , Denmark
  • University Rehabilitation Institute, Slovenia
  • Vzdelávací inštitút COOP, Poland
  • School Center of Ptuj, Slovenia
  • Centro de Estudos para a Inverncão Social, Portugal
Authority: European Commission
Program: Lifelong Learning Program, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation

Project Description

Professional qualification is not the only significant factor for successful employment but also the appropriate outplacement offer in the form of counseling and supervision of the job seeking process. EOF was a project, which focused on the professional (re)integration and successful career planning of people in training and further education. In the course of the project, tools and methods have been developed, which support trainers and human resource managers in their tasks as tutors and mentors within the framework of outplacement activities.

The main aim was to enhance the technical competences of tutors and mentors by special knowledge in pedagogies as well as human resource management in order to advice and counsel the job seeking trainees to get an adequate job. The main result of this project was the “European Outplacement Framework” (EOF), a framework, which includes methods, tools and a seminar model for future outplacement-tutors and mentors.