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Certi.MenTu – Certification of Mentors and Tutors

Duration: 01-10-2012 – 30-09-2014 (24 months)
  • M.M.C Management Center Limited, Cyprus
  • ITEE-PIB – Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute, Poland
  • Schulungszentrum Fonhsdorf, Austria
  • Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik, Sweden
  • Tjörns kommun, Barn och utbildningsförvaltningen, Sweden
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants Ltd, United Kingdom
Authority: European Commission
Program: Lifelong Learning Program, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation

Project Description

The Certi.MenTu project prepared MENTORS and TUTORS with respect to the dynamics and responsibilities for effective learning in the workplace. A MENTOR is a person in a company who helps the learner to develop his or her knowledge, skills and contextual awareness through time-limited, confidential, one-to-one conversations and other learning activities. A TUTOR is a trainer normally from outside the learner’s immediate work environment who supports groups of individual’s trough other learning activities.

The program included the development of the Mentors and of Tutors Job Profile and a Curriculum in terms of the European Qualifications Framework level 5. The novelty of the project was the development of a European certificate, accredited in accordance with standard EN ISO 17024, according to which Mentors and Tutors in all partner countries can acquire upon the successful completion of the Certi.MenTu Training program.