Kick-off Meeting of the FutureWear-Fashion, Trends, Training project online via Teams
Monday 14 February 2022
The FutureWear project is a new Erasmus+ project (10/01/2022-09/01/2024) which aims to prototype and test an innovative hybrid educational tool, focusing on eco-sustainable fashion and streetwear. The project is coordinated by the Italian A.E.C.A. while four other partners from Greece, Italy, Spain and Poland, specialised in the field of education, fashion and new digital media, collaborate for the successful implementation and outcome of the project results.
The project is particularly innovative as FutureWear aims to prototype and test an innovative hybrid educational tool, transversal to vocational training (VET) and non-formal learning contexts, focusing on ecologically sustainable fashion and streetwear, able to anticipate/re-engineer and thus respond to the professional expectations of new generations, especially boys and girls with fewer opportunities who do not find answers and tools in line with their interests and expectations in traditional school and educational paths, and at the same time in line with the needs of the productive transformation and ecological transition of the textile and fashion sector.
The specific objectives are:
– Identification of the main trends and transformations in the fashion sector in terms of emerging professions and technical and transversal skills required by a sector in continuous digital and ecological transformation.
– Production and testing of a hybrid training device addressed to young people at risk of school drop-out, coming out of school and training courses interested in developing skills and job opportunities also of entrepreneurial nature in the sustainable and circular fashion sector, inclusive and innovation oriented.
– Transnational training of a group of trainers/educators coming from the VET system and from non-formal organisations aimed at: transmitting the contents, the methodologies and the structure of the training device; offering a space for co-design of the experimentation workshops.
– Experimentation with trainees and trainers/educators in the different countries of the partnership and feedback for the adaptation of the device.
– Testing of a model of identification, validation and certification of competences aimed at enhancing the competences of young people developed in formal and non-formal contexts according to the European perspective of micro-credentials
On 14 and 15 February 2022, the coordinator of the FutureWear: Fashion, Trends, Training project, A.E.C.A – ASSOCIAZIONE EMILIANO-ROMAGNOLA DI CENTRI AUTONOMI DI FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE, Bologna, Italy, coordinated the first transnational meeting of the project, online through the Teams online platform, due to COVID-19 restrictions. BAUMHAUS SOCIETA’ COOPERATIVA SOCIALE, Italy, FUNDACIO PRIVADA TRINIJOVE, Spain, STRIM – Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Integracji Mlodziezy, Poland, DIMITRA Education & Consulting, Greece.
The kick-off meeting started with a welcome by the project coordinator and then all the partners’ introductions were followed by presentations about their organization as well as their experience in relation to the project.
In continue, the project coordinator gave a general presentation about the project (general idea, objectives and deliverables, activities and timeline) while discussions continued on more specific actions for each project deliverable. Finally, the partners discussed the project’s communication and dissemination strategy, financial management issues and issues related to project quality assurance.
Before the final evaluation and closing of the first meeting, the partners discussed the next steps of the project implementation to be completed by the next meeting and the details of the next meeting.