The short-term staff training (C1) of the European Erasmus+ project “ENTRE4ALL – An Innovative Outreach Programme To Equip Adults With Disabilities With Key Competences (Social Entrepreneurial And Digital)” was held online between the 22nd and 24th of June 2021 and was completed with great success! The participants had the opportunity to get informed about the project, the educational pack – learning modules, activities – trainers’ lesson plans, and the e-Learning platform as well as its functionalities.
The coordinator of the project is Center Ponovne Uporabe (Slovenia), and our partners RIC Novo Mesto (Slovenia), Dimitra Ekpaideftikos Organismos (Greece), Emphasys Centre (Cyprus), Kentro AMEA Agios Lazaros (Cyprus) and Equalizent (Austria) for the great cooperation and training.