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SELF-EMP – Self-employment for migrants and refugees with low literacy skills

Duration: 01-09-2016 – 28-02-2018 (18 months)
  • FOREM – Fundación Formación y Empleo Miguel Escalera, Spain
  • APSHSTDC – Associação Portuguesa De Saúde, Higiene E Segurança No Trabalho Para O Desenvolvimento E Cooperação Internacional – ONGD, Portugal
  • ed-consult , Denmark
  • S.r.l. , Italy
  • Kairos Europe Limited, United Kingdom
  • UATAE – Unión de Asociaciones de Trabajadores Autónomos y Emprendedores , Spain
Authority: European Commission
Program: ERASMUS+

Project Description

The overall objective of this project is to provide migrants and refugees with basic knowledge of the language of their host country and low literacy skills, an itinerary to support entrepreneurship that suits their needs: using simple language supported with images in a clear, rigorous and practical way.

The specific objectives are:

  • Creating a package of educational tools to implement a training and guidance itinerary addressed to immigrants and refugees with low literacy skills in the language of their host country.
  • Providing participants in the program with the tools and basic knowledge necessary to transform a business idea into an entrepreneurial project and have the ability to create their own business plan.
  • Promoting equal opportunities and labor market integration of migrants and refugees.
  • Improving the employability of migrants and refugees.

In addition, the participants will be accompanied in the first steps of the implementation of their business idea, through a system of individualized tutoring.