In the frame of QA-HEVET project Emphasys Centre hosted our forth transnational project meeting which took place in Nicosia on April 25-26, 2024.
After the initial introduction and the State of Art current task of the project were discussed with the use of the Gantt chart to show the actual implementation of the project and the planned activities (under PR, Management, Quality assurance and Dissemination). All Partners indicated that holiday period is a significant obstacle in realization of the project so we decided to extend the Project. Next, an overview of PR2 tasks was performed and Partners agreed that the justification of the assumed number of attention areas should be more justified in the final report. As the project lifetime coming to an end, during a meeting team members focused mostly on PR3 – the final steps of Quick scan tool for VET Providers and HEIs development. The idea of the tool and implementation problems were presented. A schedule for further development, implementation and testing of the tool was also discussed.
The meeting was very productive. Partners agreed that the meeting was necessary as it indicated the next steps and clarified the doubts about the tasks performed. Next meeting and the final conference is planned to be host by Polish partners, so see you soon!
Please check our pages to stay up to date:
Project website: https://qahevet.projectlibrary.eu /
You can find us also on the LinkedIn: qa-hevet-project